Gift vouchers


Hypnotherapy voucher

Life does not get better by chance.
Life gets better by change.



So what kind of hypnotherapy vouchers are available?

Weight loss

There's no denying it – trying to lose weight can be a long and challenging journey. If you've ever tried and failed to lose weight before, you probably know just how frustrating it can be – especially when feelings like stress, low self-esteem, and boredom crop up.

It's not unusual for people to get into a cycle of dieting, overeating, feeling guilty, and dieting again. This is known as 'yo-yo dieting' and makes weight loss difficult to sustain.

While diets and nutrition plans focus on what you eat and how often, hypnotherapy for weight loss changes how you feel about what you eat. For example: on a diet you might eat a carrot and wish you were eating a carrot cake, but with hypnotherapy you can learn to enjoy the carrot and not give that cake a second thought. It might be hard to imagine a world where you'd happily turn down your favourite food for something healthier, but, with certain weight loss hypnotherapy techniques, it may be possible to change your thinking patterns and gain control over cravings in a way that doesn't depress you.

By targeting the unconscious mind with powerful suggestion techniques, I will will help you develop a positive relationship with food and exercise. The aim of hypnotherapy for weight loss is to make you feel confident about your body, change any negative thoughts about eating, and help you lose weight responsibly without impacting your emotional well-being.


Do you know someone that is constantly stressed and could just do with some time to themselves to reflect, relax, and just take time out of their busy day for themselves? It might be a busy mum that is on the go 24/7. It might be somebody that runs their own business and can never afford to take a holiday; it might be someone that has had a really rough year and is frazzled because of it. Stress is such a big part of many people’s lives, and continued stress can lead to serious health issues. Hypnosis is a very effective form of managing stress. It is a deeply relaxing form of therapy and can help lead a person into a calm and tranquil state. I will lead the person into deep relaxation at every session meaning that they get a break from their own mind for the duration of the time they are with me. I will also teach relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis to help a person manage their own stress even when they are not with me.

Recommended sessions for gift vouchers – minimum of two.


Research has shown that hypnotherapy is an excellent form of pain management.

Do you know someone who suffers with pain and could do with extra pain relief and relaxation?

Recommended sessions for gift vouchers – minimum of four.


Do you know someone who is lacking in confidence? Perhaps someone that has had a few knocks in life, or has come out of a damaging relationship? Hypnotherapy can help build confidence and build self-esteem.

Recommended sessions for gift vouchers – minimum of two but at least four for deep-seated issues


Perhaps you know someone who has a phobia?

Or you may know someone one who has claustrophobia? Maybe a family member has a fear of flying and you would love to take them on holiday. Whatever the phobia, I can treat it.

I can offer gift vouchers for any of the treatments I have listed on my treatments page. So if you would like to buy a voucher and it is not listed above, please do contact me so I can advise you on the best voucher to buy.

Recommended sessions for gift vouchers – Minimum of four.

To buy a Voucher Call Me Today on 07810697222